Posted in: News
Our mission has always been to provide accessible, high quality veterinary care as a “walk-in” clinic and urgent care services for the communities around us. Due to the Covid-19 health crisis we have had to significantly change our walk-in process and policies in order to keep our clients and staff safe, and stay true to our mission.
In accordance with Governor Inslee’s latest proclamation on COVID-19 and veterinary care, all wellness visits will be postponed until further notice. We will update this recommendation as these restrictions expire. We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding!
- We ask that you call your preferred practice. During the call we will give you a “queue time” which will be the best day and time for your visit.
- We ask that you arrive at the practice at the queue time provided.
While we will make every effort to see every patient in need of care, we believe using “queue times” will significantly reduce wait times, keep our clients safe and make your visit to Urban Animal much easier.
With fall and winter bringing colder and wetter weather, Urban Animal will be reopening our lobbies in a limited capacity to help keep our clients warm and dry.
In order to do this safely, we will implement strict parameters for anyone entering any of our practices in compliance with CDC recommendations. Please review these parameters below and help our staff and other clients stay safe by complying with them. Anyone who is unwilling to comply with the parameters below will be asked to leave.
· ALL CLIENTS will have their temperatures screened prior to entry. Anyone displaying a temperature above 100.0 will not be allowed inside and their queue time will be rescheduled. If you don’t feel well prior to arriving at Urban Animal, please call to reschedule your queue time.
· MASKS ARE REQUIRED FOR ENTRY. They should be worn at all times and cover the nose and mouth.
· To maintain 6 feet of social distancing, a limited number of people are allowed to congregate in the lobby at any one time. Please wait outside until your queue time has been called, or until otherwise directed by a staff member.
· Only ONE (1) person will be allowed in an exam room with their pet during the visit. The pet will still be taken to the treatment area for examination and treatment to maintain appropriate social distance.
**For DROP-OFF PROCEDURES or TECHNICIAN VISITS, clients and patients will continue to wait outside.
**ANY client that wishes to remain outside during their visit is welcome to do so.
Urban Animal looks forward to welcoming our clients back into our practices – albeit in a limited capacity. Our ultimate goal of keeping our staff and clients healthy remains; however, we hope this seasonal change alleviates a few of the challenges the pandemic has created. We continue to ask for your patience as we navigate through this next transition during these unprecedented times. As always, Urban Animal thanks you for your continued understanding.
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